Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blue flowers

Mermaid fish with purple flowers.

The story about the herb of Thailand, we are all in a day, we will discuss. The mermaid fish with purple flowers, although a little strange and familiar to most people, but Thailand claims the mermaid fish purple flowers are second to anyone and if we come up along the way.


Mermaid fish Purple flower is a shrub with a height of about 0.5 to 1.0 meters can be found in the mangroves and brackish water species are the white flowers that are found in the central and eastern parts mostly. purple flowering species are found in the south of Thailand from Chumphon down to be smooth and round, with a trunk that is solid gray green algae by barbed spines each other. The leaves are opposite each other and arrange a single. The egg-shaped oval. A width of about 3-7 cm long and 6-20 cm serrated edge blade is curved away from her teeth, and the teeth are barbed with a surface that is smooth and has a sticky texture and strong again. With a bouquet of flowers that will be released at the end of the branch. This kind of white flowers that have petals with white spots dotted red or purplish red and the flowers purple with flowers purple blue and yellow center petals, the feature of the results is a separate and an oval or shape. cylinder

Are known.
Generic name: Dr. Gill Lake, Chakreng, Aiekreg, Mermaid fish with purple flowers.
Scientific name: Sea Holly, Acanthus ilicifolius Linn.
Family name: ACANTHACEAE.

Properties of fish mermaid purple flowers.

Stem and seeds.We can be used to treat boils. Lymphatic waste treatment as well. Or may be used as a seed treatment or as a parasite leaves the juice over the head as well. Root will help maintain our strength.
We see that the benefits of herbal Thailand just because of the day's session. It changed. Thailand to focus on the little down with us to provide care more about herbs.

Yellow flowers


Sunflower oil is the key. The needs of the global market. And the domestic market, after dedicating the addition of soybean, peanut and red for direct consumption. Health and the use of oil as a raw material in many industries such as cosmetics, margarine, cooking oil varnish film The stems are used to make fuel. Fiber used to make paper from the stems. Seed oil supplementation on protein and 25-30 percent can be used as animal feed ingredients. Sunflower is a plant that is high in saturated fatty acids. Linolenic fatty acids c. Which are essential to the body but the body light. Not up to 60-70 percent, and the acid can help Coral lower neck. Disease that causes fat clots in the blood. It also contains nutrients. With many health benefits, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B2 and E.

The sunflower seeds. The high iron. And low sodium with vitamin that has a lot of sunflower seeds nourish the eyes and skin, while vitamin E against cancer. Helped maintain the corneal lens. The aging of the skin to reduce fat in the blood vessels so that natural vitamins are the 2 types of valuable and helpful. Especially the eyes. Yield of sunflower. Can be converted into a variety of foods such as sunflower seeds. Dried sunflower sunflower cookie sheet or plate flower of sunflower on the trunk to burn them to a cinder. It can be used as fuel in the steel industry as well.

Benefits of Sunflower classified as follows.

Sunflower oil for soap manufacturing consuming industry bleaching. Coated fruit. In such a way as to make wax candles or cosmetics. And then processed into oil The product such as margarine, cream and milk fat.
Directly to consumers, such as the seeds are roasted and salted seeds completed. Bark to flavor the meat taste. Waste used as animal feed.
Lecithin is made to be used in medicine. In reducing cholesterol in patients. The cholesterol in the arteries.

Benefits of sunflower seeds.
- Protection against toxic chemicals that can cause cancer in the mouth.
- Prevent the adhesion of platelets.
- Increased circulation of the blood, the better.

Purple flowers

Butterfly pea

Butterfly pea.
It is bittersweet. Stems with green hair. Evergreen leaves are green. The blue flowers have a yellow center with some white. Or light purple and the Beanstalk is a good common ground. Like moderate humidity. To grow well in soils with high organic matter. I like the growth rate is very good. Planted by a fence, arbor, a tree species in the tropics. More common.
Butterfly pea contains. Ann calls Saiyan directory. This feature increases the blood flow in small tubes. The blood to the hair roots and more eyes. Anne matter Saiyan call this directory is found in fruits and flowers that are red, blue or purple.

Properties of pea flowers are.
Is a natural antioxidant. The plant will make up the substance. To flower or fruit itself. Of the dangers of sun exposure or disease.
I do not cook a chisel. The flowers are rich in herbs help nourish hair roots, old eyes blindness prepared a diuretic. Rubbing the teeth with a tooth root pain.
Try to drink water hair blue eye once.

Fuchsia flowers

Starburst Blue Fuchsia

Pink flowers

Green flowers

White flowers

White lotus


Lotus is the scientific name Nelumbo nucifera in the family Nymphaeaceae lotus is a tropical plant found in marshy canals generally have roots in the arm with an articulated around the neck like a tie within the segments are hollow roots to penetrate. deep in the roots or rhizomes of lotus nutritious sweet and aromatic flavor is both sweet and savory, like soup with lotus root, root, lotus pot to brown the heat and thirst resolve phlegm, the wood is suspended. diarrhea in children, Chinese soup with brown eat it hot in the stem with thorns, leaves round a thick hard by lotus containing the al Clausura Lloyd variety of fragrance to package food smell delicious rice. wrapped in lotus leaves, young leaves are used as vegetables. The flowers are either white, red white flowers cascading called lotus seven son flower color is pale as water lily flowers blue light called lotus conjugated lotus fragrance contains pollen whole lot of lotus and leaves are upright stems up out of the water lilies. It is a wooden Buddha leaves the cigarette smoke. The aromatic compounds within the leaf stem has medicinal properties extracted from leaves and stanch lotus inhibited. Growth of bacteria in all types of lotus pollen to cook herbal medicine holds the bundle property damper that helps maintain heart bloom to petal fall, but the pods are shaped like cones are many seeds in the finger growth. growth embedded in the so-called cold shower sweetened lotus seed, it is used as a seed and the seeds are high in nutrients which seeds the embryo. The green The lotus is a very bitter taste is due to colloidal Al species, which potent vasodilators. Cultured heart muscle.

The lotus is a water timber to the beautiful lake and the canal is also very useful for food and medicine, as mentioned above.

How to make lotus root.

The lotus root or rhizome pieces cleaned sheath or enamel pot boil water glasses as well as beauty. I boil while adding sugar according to taste sweet lotus root is cooked enough to keep drinking water question or want to keep. It's taking a long time to boil the water lilies in a clean container and store in the refrigerator for drinks herbal remaining lotus root can be eaten as a dessert can be connected as well.

The properties

Lotus root or rhizome is sweet and aromatic flavor to sweet and savory foods activates the Chinese believe that the heating element is not normal sputum thirst is suppressed diarrhea in children.

Lotus leaves contain many types of colloidal Al smell the food parcels. To eat. Lotus petals. With cigarette smoke made with fragrance.

Extracted from lotus leaves and inhibits the growth of bacteria and all kinds of medicinal properties, such as drug use during pregnancy bleeding after childbirth, women from Thailand People's Republic of China to purchase in large quantities to be astringent

Medical lotus pollen ancient herbal medicine used as a tonic to the happy belief that nourish the heart.

Lotus seed, sweet fruit and made it cool to be a variety of good foods with bitter lotus effect is dilation of blood vessels that feed the heart muscle.