Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Yellow flowers


Sunflower oil is the key. The needs of the global market. And the domestic market, after dedicating the addition of soybean, peanut and red for direct consumption. Health and the use of oil as a raw material in many industries such as cosmetics, margarine, cooking oil varnish film The stems are used to make fuel. Fiber used to make paper from the stems. Seed oil supplementation on protein and 25-30 percent can be used as animal feed ingredients. Sunflower is a plant that is high in saturated fatty acids. Linolenic fatty acids c. Which are essential to the body but the body light. Not up to 60-70 percent, and the acid can help Coral lower neck. Disease that causes fat clots in the blood. It also contains nutrients. With many health benefits, such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B2 and E.

The sunflower seeds. The high iron. And low sodium with vitamin that has a lot of sunflower seeds nourish the eyes and skin, while vitamin E against cancer. Helped maintain the corneal lens. The aging of the skin to reduce fat in the blood vessels so that natural vitamins are the 2 types of valuable and helpful. Especially the eyes. Yield of sunflower. Can be converted into a variety of foods such as sunflower seeds. Dried sunflower sunflower cookie sheet or plate flower of sunflower on the trunk to burn them to a cinder. It can be used as fuel in the steel industry as well.

Benefits of Sunflower classified as follows.

Sunflower oil for soap manufacturing consuming industry bleaching. Coated fruit. In such a way as to make wax candles or cosmetics. And then processed into oil The product such as margarine, cream and milk fat.
Directly to consumers, such as the seeds are roasted and salted seeds completed. Bark to flavor the meat taste. Waste used as animal feed.
Lecithin is made to be used in medicine. In reducing cholesterol in patients. The cholesterol in the arteries.

Benefits of sunflower seeds.
- Protection against toxic chemicals that can cause cancer in the mouth.
- Prevent the adhesion of platelets.
- Increased circulation of the blood, the better.

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